Yes How Long Before This Tiredness Will Go Away?? My Taste Has Never Been The Same Either.
It has been 3 years for me, still not recovered.
9 months now. Fortunately I don’t have it as bad as some. I wake up tired and tired all day, and go to bed tired. The PEM is horrid. I go until I collapse when I have something to do, then crash. Haven’t learned pacing. So the fatigue is tremendous. My breathing is so bad almost all of the time. I have severe tinnitus, severe muscle pain, pins and needles and numbness of legs and feet. When I crash after doing too much, I feel like I don’t have one nerve left in my body, and cannot even talk to my hubby. I recently developed Covid Toe. It seems to be resolving. I haven’t had an issue with taste or smell. This is a horrible disease with no end in sight. I guess we all just have to do the best we can.
Anyone Experience Lots Of Sweats
Has Anyone Had Issues With Hair Loss After Having Covid
How Long Do Symptoms Last?