What COVID-19 Symptoms Do You Have That You Didn’t Expect?
Decrease in eyesight. Had 20/20 vision. My eyesight was excellent and since covid my eyesight is deteriorating. I now use glasses as I cannot read anything that is in close proximity including messages on my phone. Doctors say that is what happens with age but its strange how it deteriorated almost overnight
My entire body still having pain and out sync brain fog.😱
This is a subject that I have stayed away from, but if it can help someone then it will be worth giving an answer. In hospital I found that I was close to having diareaha. Since release my tummy has never got close to being normal. So I watch what I eat. Especially the breakfast cereals. I have stayed away from medication and have managed to keep control through diet. I hope this helps. KInd regards Lionel
Memory lost
Rash,dysphagia,shortness of breath.
How Long Do Symptoms Last?
Code For Covid 19
How Long Do I Need To Quartine I'm Still Really Weak And Got No Taste And Bad Caugh Today Is Day 7 Do I Need Retested