Have Any Of You Used CBD Oil To Alleviate Symptoms Like Anxiety / Insomnia / Pain?
Really!!! My doctor just say that he does not believe in this alternative stuff. I must perhaps grow my own dagga and make a tea of it or something....
She said 4 drops since covid I am too scared to try this, I told her some of my meds make me sleepy so will pass that one. 😱
I find that 2 Rescue tablets under the tongue just before I sleep does wonders ....but not to use every night !!!
My Father have rumatoid arthiritis and I was wondering, where can one get CBD Oil, the real Oil..... He is strugling with so much pain, and the medication he is taking, does not really help!!
Hi Kotie my doctor prescribed it as well but medical aid does not pay for it so I stopped taking.
Hi All, Hope You Are Keeping Well? Does Anyone Know Of A Dr In Gauteng Who Specialiazes In Long Covid? I Am Still Struggling 2 Years On.
How Long Do Symptoms Last?
Has Anyone Had Issues With Hair Loss After Having Covid